Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hating South Texas weather right now

This has been a really - and I mean really - odd year for weather in South Texas. We had 100 degree weather in October, it's a balmy 72 degrees now in February (just slightly above average for us this time of year), and the Houston Chronicle has a headline of "Snow a possibility as cold blast nears." W.T.F.?!?!?!?!?! I mean, seriously Mother Nature? The "experts" (whoever they are... I personally don't really believe they exist) say that this is all because of El Nino. Screw El Nino. This is crap! I came back to the South for a reason, and it wasn't the cold and snow! I will never complain about warm weather again. Never. I swear! I would much rather be sweating my brains out than shivering in the cold. I really dislike the cold weather. At least the good news out of all of this is that once this cold blast arrives, the "experts" expect it to gradually get warmer, and the temps returning to normal in March. With our usual Spring showers and thunderstorms. Bring that on any day!

Have a great week and stay warm!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I will show you this entry in August when you are dying of heat :)