Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympic tragedy

I love the Olympics. Winter and Summer, doesn't matter which. I love it because it's the worlds best athletes. The best of the best. Most of them literally train their whole lives for this. It's pretty remarkable. And I get to root for Team USA. That's the best part. Team USA. I love the sound of that.

But with all of the hoopla of the Opening Ceremonies tonight, it's hard not to think about what happened today with the death of luger Nodar Kumaritashvili from the nation of Georgia. Absolutely horrible. These pictures are a little hard to look at. OK, they're a lot hard to look at. And watching the Georgian national team walk into the stadium tonight brought tears to my eyes. You could sense the pain just by looking in their faces. My heart goes out to them.

Enjoy the next few weeks of the Olympics. I'm looking forward to the downhill skiing and snowboarding. What's your favorite winter Olympic sport?

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