Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can I buy you a beer?

OK, so I know I said that this week's posts were going to be football related, but I'm deviating from that today. For good reason. The only thing football related to this post is the use of the word beer. Confused? Well let me try to straighten you out.

Eight years ago today (the date, not the actual day... it was actually a Wednesday, but who remembers this stuff anyway?) I met Jay. My cousin called me late while I was still in the office, and wanted to know if I could meet her for a beer. Of course I could. Back then I was in my early 20's and didn't say no to a beer. So we went out to this little hole in the wall ice house called The Rose Garden. I have no idea how she ever found this place, but now that I look back on it, I'm kinda glad she did. She and I were talking, minding our own business, when the table next to us starts talking about a one-armed stripper and getting in to a big black truck with "Bubba" written across the back. You all know me... my nosy self couldn't keep my mouth shut, so I had to say a smart-ass remark, something along the lines of "the fact that he had 'Bubba' written across the back of his truck should have been your first clue not to get in." The next thing I know we had two fresh, cold Coors Lights on our table, courtesy of a guy in Wranglers, boots and a polo shirt. Little did I know that eight years later I'd be madly in love with the guy who got in the "Bubba" truck.

Jay didn't get my phone number that night (typical guy), but one of the ladies who worked with him did (smart woman that Miss Judy!). She called me about a week later and said they were all heading back up to The Rose Garden and that I should come. I happened to be sitting in the Columbus, Ohio, airport, on my way back from a job interview at Ohio State. I said I might, knowing full well that The Rose Garden was on my way back from the airport and that I had every intention to stop in, and that there was a chance Jay would be there, so I stopped. And let me tell you... I was wearing a suit (again, just finished up with a job interview), and I turned some heads when I walked in that place. I still remember the looks on some people's faces. It was quite priceless, because I was a little over dressed. But, they welcomed me in to their table, bought me a beer, and the rest is kinda history.

Jay got my digits that night (even walked me out to my car), and here we are today, eight years later. I'd list all the shit (good and bad) that we've been through, but that would make for the longest blog post ever, and I don't want to bore you all. I adore Jay, and love him with all my heart. He makes me laugh, he comforts me when I'm sad, he knows how to push my buttons, and he would do anything to make me happy. I love you honey!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

That first picture of you guys (the one on top) is gorgeous. Arie needs a pic for his book!