Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day (duh, I know). I'm not a big fan of this day. Really. Jay was sweet and bought me roses and a really nice card, but why should it have to be on this day, February 14 of every year, that we have to buy each other something nice and be extra sweet? Oh, that's right... because it's a totally commercial holiday. Along with Mother's Day, it's a day that florists love (and I'm sure hate at the same time), and it's a day that Hallmark does back flips because they sell hundreds of thousands of millions of cards (which, by the way, say something that you should be able to say yourself... why do you need a card to say it?), and candy makers across the world rejoice because boxes of chocolates fly off the shelves, and those gross candy hearts with silly sayings get devoured. It's a day for us to boost the economy! That's a great way to think of it! But seriously, why do we have to have a day on the calendar for all of this?

What are your Valentine's Day plans? Mine include going to breakfast with Jay (which we do every Sunday morning, by the way... we're not going just because it's Valentine's Day), watching the Daytona 500, and catching some Olympic action. Oh yea, and doing laundry. Exciting, isn't it? Just like any other day, except that it's Valentine's Day.

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