Friday, February 19, 2010

Really, T-Mac? REALLY?

You're disappointed in Rockets management. You?!?! Are you freaking kidding me? According to the Houston Chronicle, "he was disappointed this season by a lack of communication from Rockets management." According to Tracy, "I didn't know. I really didn't know. And that's just the unfortunate situation, that I just like for management to be upfront and honest with me. That's all I ask, honesty. And if we can't sit and have a conversation eye to eye and be honest with me, then all the respect and trust goes out the window.”

Um, excuse me? You wanted them to be more honest? Why don't YOU try being more honest? Why did the Rockets have to learn about your surgery on your Web site? Why weren't you honest with them? I believe it was the Rockets who said you weren't ready to play a full 10 or 15 minutes after you came back, when you said you were, but no one else said that. At least they were honest, rather than telling you that you were ready. That was you talking.

Good riddance, T-Mac. I'm kinda glad you're gone. You're smart when it comes to basketball, but once you get off the court, I wonder about you. You'll fit right in in New York.

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