Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Ah... Super Bowl Sunday. It's finally here. Does it get any better than this? I think not. Although it marks the end of football season (sniff, sniff, tear, tear), it's still an awesome day for so many reasons. The two best teams in the NFL will battle it out on the field. You couldn't have asked for two better teams - with probably the best quarterbacks and leaders in the game - to be the last two standing at the end of the season.

We all know I'm a Colts fan. I went to school in Indiana, and became a fan then. I lived in Indianapolis, and became an even bigger fan then. And then they drafted Peyton Manning, and that kinda sealed it for me. The Mannings are an iconic family. They're just all around good guys. Peyton has done, and continues to do, great things for the city of Indianapolis. I love that he has truly embraced that city - a city that I absolutely love - and if I didn't live here, I'd live there. That is the only other place I'd want to be. So that's why I root for the Colts.

But then there's the Saints, a team that I think a lot of America is rooting for. That city went through hell after the levy's broke following Hurricane Katrina, and when the Saints played at home in the Superdome on Monday Night Football, that sort of marked the rebirth of the city. It was a turning point for New Orleans, and the Saints led that charge. There's a lot to be said for that. New Orleans is coming back, slowly, but they're coming back, and a large part of that is thanks to the Saints. So, if for some crazy reason, the Saints win the Super Bowl today, I won't be upset. If it were any other team (OK, well any other team except the Niners or Texans), I'd probably be upset. But if New Orleans can beat Indianapolis, then that might be a really good thing. Plus, their quarterback isn't too shabby either (which kills me to say because he's a Purdue guy).

The other reason I love Super Bowl Sunday is for the ads. I'm in the marketing business, so I watch these things closely, and I really can't get enough of them. One of the most clever things I think has happened with the Super Bowl ads is that Miller High Life has bought a couple spots, and instead of running ads for their product, they're giving some small mom and pop type businesses a chance to advertise their business during the Super Bowl. Hello?!?!? C-L-E-V-E-R!!! Now that is smart marketing. I can't wait to see what the others come up with. Budweiser always has great ads. usually has some good ones. Pepsi has produced some classics lately. So, it'll be fun.

I also love Super Bowl Sunday because we usually have a good feast at our place. And this year is no exception. We're not doing a big party. Actually, it's just going to be Jay and I (which I don't mind one bit whatsoever). But, we're going to make burgers with blue cheese and grilled onions; homemade potato chips with this amazing blue cheese dip (thanks for the recipe, SB!!); deviled eggs; chinese salad; and spice cake. Yum, yum, yum!!!

I hope you're all enjoying your Super Bowl Sunday, and may the best team (Colts) win!

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