Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!

It's snowing. In Houston. On the Gulf Coast. On December 10, 2008. And it hasn't stopped for several hours. It's starting to accumulate on cars and boats. Jay told the guy at the convenience store tonight that it's some funny looking rain. Ha! In all reality, it is kinda cool. For a few hours. And then I'll be longing for the 79 degree weather we had yesterday. Yes, that's right. You read correctly. It was 79 and partly cloudy and muggy here yesterday, and it is now 31 and snowing. That's Texas weather for ya!

On another note, enjoy the video below. It's our way of saying Merry Christmas!

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1 comment:

aA said...

and who's to say that we won't be sweating on Christmas Day, fiddling with the a/c thermostat!

the snow was fun while it lasted.

BTW, my knees hurt a little and i'm sorta out of breath from the dancing. Imagine if I'D tried to do that!