Sunday, December 28, 2008

hospital update

Ok, so my post yesterday was a little harsh, ok a lot harsh, and I apologize. It's just that this entire process has been so incredibly frustrating. And such bad timing on so many levels for so many reasons.

Here's the latest. We are still at the hospital. Jay coughed yesterday evening and felt something pop again in his back, which set off his back into massive spasms every time he tried to move. So bad at one point that he passed out. That's when I kind of had a feeling we weren't going home. For those of you that know Jay, you know that he has a very high tolerance for pain, so I'm sure this pain was excrutiating if it caused him to pass out.

After much pleading and prodding from us and the nurse, his neuro doc finally came to the hospital at 11:15 last night (I think we paged him four times). He was none too pleased, but I won't go into that. I'm afraid I won't say anything nice, and my mom always taught me that if I can't say anything nice about someone, I shouldn't say anything at all. So I'll keep my mouth shut about that part of the evening. Anyway, I digress. The neuro doc said the MRI revealed two herniated - not ruptured - disks, but given the events of the day with his cough and subsequent pop, he ordered another MRI. Jay is having that done as I type this. This one is on the entire spine. He was able to sleep (mostly drug-induced) for about eight hours last night (off and on with them coming in to give meds and take vitals), which means I was able to get a little shut eye as well.

Hopefully today's MRI will tell us something new. If not, I'm not real sure where we go from here. Any suggestions are appreciated. I just know that I'm tired of being at the hospital (I know, I know... no one really likes hospitals anyway). Never in my wildest dreams did I think that going to the ER for an MRI would evolve into this big, huge, expensive ordeal. But I do know that he is in an incredible amount of pain, and we have to find an answer, so I'll be by his side the whole way. He would do the same for me.

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