Friday, December 14, 2012


Unless you're living under a rock, you know about the tragic shootings that happened today in Newtown, Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers go out to the parents and families of the victims, the first responders who witnessed an absolutely horrific event, and the entire city. I can't even fathom what they are going through. It makes my heart ache and brings tears to my eyes. And it makes me ask why? Why do these shootings continue to happen? What is wrong with these people? And don't tell me it's because of guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. I'm a supporter of our right to bear arms. But I think we need to have some sensible gun control in place. We must have some sensible gun control in place. I'm not saying that's the answer... if someone wants to get a gun and go shoot up a school, mall, movie theater, church, night club, or whatever, they will. They will find a way to get a gun, no matter what kind of gun control is in place. I hate to say that, but I think it's true. So banning guns is not the answer. But it's not just guns. Consider what happened in China today... someone injured more than 30 children with a knife. Does that mean we're going to ban knives? I think not.

What happened today in Newtown, Connecticut is unthinkable. As the governor of Connecticut said today, "Evil visited our community." That guy (and no, I'm not going to mention his name... he doesn't deserve that) who senselessly killed 20 young kids and six of their teachers today is evil. But even more he's a coward for taking his own life. We may never know why he did what he did today. And honestly, I don't know that I want to know.

As a new parent, all I wanted to do today was to hold my daughter tight and never let go. And I did a lot of that this afternoon while my heart ached for the parents and families of those 20 innocent little kids who lost their lives today. Those kids will never have the chance to grow up and live their dreams, all because of some crazy idiot who did the unthinkable.

So if you haven't already, hug your kids and loved ones a little tighter tonight. Unfortunately, you never know when it might be the last time. And please say a prayer for the families, first responders, and entire Newtown, Connecticut community. I know I will do both.

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