Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hurricane Alex

It's kind of ironic that Hurricane Alex decided to strike this week. One year ago on Sunday Jay and I moved back in to our house after rebuilding it due to Hurricane Ike. Watching the Alex coverage on TV the last few days brought back a lot of memories. I didn't cry this time (at least not yet... Sunday isn't here yet), but it did make me think back to our experience going through Ike. All I kept thinking about earlier this week when Alex's path was still a bit uncertain was, "Oh no. Not again." But, we were spared this time. Although we are getting a lot of rain and really high tides (part of the island is under water), and the storm ruined our trip to South Texas, I'm glad it hit South of us. I don't know that I could've handled going through another storm so soon, even though it's been almost two years. Hard to believe, but it doesn't seem like it. Probably because we haven't even been living in our "new" house for a year yet, and not to mention the fact that my parent's house is totally tore up... it's weird how things happen and evoke a variety of feelings.

Anyway, thoughts and prayers to those in Mexico and South Texas who were affected by Alex. I can sympathize and empathize with you, having been through it myself.

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