Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11

This day has a couple different meanings for me. The first is the obvious. If you don't know what it means when someone says September 11, then I'm convinced you're not American. I remember where I was and what I was doing. I remember it like it was yesterday. I WILL NEVER FORGET. It was probably the most scariest thing I've ever witnessed. It still gives me chills to think about it. I'm not a hateful person, but just thinking about it makes my blood boil and brings about a hatred like nothing I've ever experienced. My heart aches for the families who grieve and mourn for their loved ones that they lost on that dreadful day. My heart aches for our country for what we went through and what we continue to go through.

But I am forever thankful - FOREVER - to the first responders, the police and fire men and women who risked their lives that day, and who continue to suffer. I am forever - FOREVER - thankful to the men and women of our armed forces who went to battle after this horrific incident, and continue to battle, so that we can have the freedoms that we have today. Thank you each and every one of you. You are my heroes!

Two years ago today I walked through my house (one that I had owned for just a week) with a video camera taking what I figured to be the last shots of the house as I knew it. It was on September 11, 2008, that we evacuated to The Woodlands for Hurricane Ike. What an emotional roller coaster that was. Even though the hurricane didn't hit until two days later, by the time we left here, our "Little Slice of Paradise" was already starting to flood. What a mess that was. Literally. But we made it through Hurricane Ike, and in comparison to 9/11, well, it doesn't really compare in reality. But in my world, it was hell.

Please say a prayer for those affected by September 11, 2001, and keep them in your thoughts always and forever. And please support our troops. You don't have to support our President or the wars that are going on overseas, but please, please, PLEASE support our troops. And their families. They've chosen to sacrifice a lot for us, so the least we can do is support them. I'd like to personally thank my friends Chris M., Brandon B., Jared B., Cameron B., and my cousin's husband Kyle for their service to our great country. I am forever in debt to you!

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