Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes We Can!!!

I can't let this historic day pass without a quick post. It's been a long eight years, and today was an AWESOME day for our country. Awesome doesn't really totally describe it.

President Obama (oh how good that sounds to say that!) is going to do great things for our country. As I think back to the last two years and the campaign, it's amazing to see what he did. He made Americans once again excited about the President. He brought out voters young and old, black and white, from all different backgrounds. He inspired change and hope. He's really taken a step towards uniting our country, more so than others who have come before him. I know our country will never be totally united, but it has to get better than what it's been for the past eight years. It takes a special person to do that.

He's got a lot of pressure on him, because if he doesn't hold true to his words, people will hold him accountable (as we all should). But I think many will be pleasantly surprised. I am definitely looking forward to what the future holds. I am so proud to be an American. I love this country and what it stands for. I love this historic day. It is a day I will never forget!!


Anonymous said...

Come on. Barrack is nothing more than a puppet. He is controlled by people that do not have youre best interest at heart. It is to late to lock the gate because the enemy is already in.

Anonymous said...

Do not be blinded by his words, read between the lines and you can see that he is nothing but a socialist. This great Nation was supposed to be about limited Government and the freedom to either Make it on youre own or fail on youre own without Big brother jumping in. Wake up America before it is to late.
" Give me liberty or give me Death"

Anonymous said...

Just compare modern government with the words of our founders. How can a government offer a stimulus to the public when the money already belongs to the public? And dont think i wasn't watching Mr. Bush when you bowed and sacrificed the ideals of you're party at the alter of the senate.