Sunday, January 25, 2009

House update (and some other stuff)

We met with the contractor this morning over breakfast, and finally have a pretty good idea of what this endeavor is going to cost us. My heart only stopped beating for a few seconds.

The good news is that he thinks we can get started as soon as we order the dumpster. So, Jay's priority for Monday is to find a dumpster and have it delivered. The sooner the dumpster gets there, the sooner demo starts. And yes, I plan to be there when demo starts, not to oversee the demo, but to see what is above the bedrooms. I'm dying to know. It's the little things these days...

Our contractor thinks it's going to take about 3 months ("but it could also take 4," he was sure to add), so I'll be praying for the 3, but will have to deal with however long it takes. At this rate it looks like we'll be celebrating being back in the house in conjunction with Jay's 40th birthday. Yes, there will be a PAR-TAY. Oh boy, it could get ugly...

The house is going to look cool. We're going to end up taking away a little of the reasons we fell in love with the place (the back room, for instance), but these are things that probably need to be done in the long run, and now is as good of time as any to do them. We'll be able to make it ours, and do it how we want, which I guess is the most important thing.

We do now have a storage shed in the back yard however. Very exciting. Again, it's the little things these days. As my good friend PB said, "You have to start somewhere!" So we'll now be able to store all of the lawn stuff, Christmas decor, etc., without having to pay for a storage unit. Sorry, mom and dad.

In other news around the island, our favorite place to eat Sunday morning breakfast, Skipper's, finally re-opened yesterday morning. I've eaten there twice (breakfast yesterday and today), and Jay has eaten there three times. He tried to make it four with dinner last night, but we got there too late. Again, it's the little things that make a difference in returning our lives to normal. We've been going to this place every Sunday morning since we moved to Clear Lake Shores, and it's one of those places where they know people by name, we have the same waitress every time (ok, two waitresses... Love you Krista and Robyn!), we share family stories, good and bad, we don't need a menu because they know what we want (me at least... Jay gets something different all the time), and you definitely know those who aren't local and are first-timers. So, we're glad the Skipper and Terry were able to re-open. We love the place!

Stay tuned for hopefully lots of construction pictures and stories!

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