Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Lights

Tonight is the annual judging of Christmas lights in our neighborhood. They award 1st, 2nd, and 3rde place, and one of these days, we will place. Mark my words.  Everyone says it we should have own last year, but we didn't. And that's OK. While the judging is in the back of my mind when we do put up the lights, that's not the reason I do it. The guy that won last year had a sequencer set up to his lights and you could tune in to 91.1 to hear the music and see how it matched the lights. He did it again this year, so we'll see what happens. Others that have won have inflatables in their yard, and that's just not our style. So, we'll continue to keep it classy and add a few bits of our style here and there. We like it, so as far as I'm concerned, that's all that matters.

Here are a few pics I took tonight. Enjoy!

