Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And just like that...

there's a disturbance heading toward the Gulf. And we're not even 24 hours into the 2011 hurricane season! Granted, if this hits us, or near us, I will not complain. I might actually go out and sit in the middle of it. As in the middle of the pouring rain. It won't be anything major that requires evacuation, and we.need.rain. Desperately. Desperately actually is an understatement. I think the last time it rained at our house - like a major rain - was in the days right after we had our landscaping put in. And that was Martin Luther King Day. In January. Yes, January. As in 4 1/2 months ago. So...


Oh, and in case you were wondering... this is what I saw as I got out of my car this afternoon heading back into the office. Yes, that's 3:12 p.m. Awesome. Summer has arrived. And so, too, has hurricane season!

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