Monday, April 19, 2010

The "C" word

I hate the "C" word. Nope, not casserole. Or cabbage. Not cadaver, carrots, or the one you're thinking of, either. Cancer. I. Hate.Cancer. I know, I know... you don't like it any more than I do. Unfortunately, I've heard this word a lot this last week, and it's reminded me even more why I hate - yes, hate - cancer.

First of all, a good friend from way back when lost his mom last week to cancer. It absolutely breaks my heart. It reminds me of when Jay's dad passed away from this horrible disease, followed by one of his good friends, both of our grandfathers and most recently his colleague and mentor. Then, to top it off, we found out over the weekend that Jay's best friend's mom has also been diagnosed. Did I say that I hate this disease? I HATE CANCER!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why? Why? Why does this happen?

Like I said before, it breaks my heart. I was in a funk today because I couldn't stop thinking about my friends. I hate to see people I love and adore in pain because of their loss. It's so hard and painful to sit on the outside not knowing what to do. But on the flip side... I've also been there before, and for me, just a few words, a laugh, or a hug said a lot. So, that's what I'm here for now (you know who you are). I'm a good listener and give good hugs, too.

Jay and I always make a donation to the American Cancer Society every year in honor of the loved ones we've lost, (and we encourage you to do the same!) and even though we hate that we have to add another name to the list, we're proud to do it. One day - ONE DAY - I just know they'll find a cure for this horrible disease that has affected me more than I ever thought it would. And I'd like to think that maybe, just maybe, I had a little something to do with it.

Rest in peace Jay, Russell, Mr. Parish, Grandpa Bill, Grandpa Jay and Jeanette. We love you and we miss you!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Please add my Grandma Mildred who had bone cancer--one of the most painful forms, and my Grandpa Karl, who didn't die from it, but he actually had breast cancer.

Love you!