Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First-time blogger

So, this is my first attempt at blogging. I just created this site, so it's a work in progress... please bear with me. Why did I create this blog? Mainly because everyone I know has a blog, and it's kinda cool, so I thought "why not me?" The name comes from a word I've used since I was in college, so it only makes sense. I think I'll write about mostly random stuf that comes to mind at random times, or every now and then I might have something profound to say.
With that in mind, today was a primary voting day in Texas. I hope everyone exercised their right to vote. That is one thing that is so great about our country. I don't care who you voted for (ok, maybe I do a little), but you can't complain if you don't vote, so if you didn't get out to vote... Shame on you! If you did vote... way to go!
That's it for today. Stay tuned and enjoy!

1 comment:

aA said...

Ah you ARE a Crafty Girl...Going away to start a blog...I saw that you visited the GeezerChron the other day (Ke-yul-GoW-er was a giveaway)

And I DID excorcize my write to vote. Yay voters!

Good job, keep up the good work.

OOh, and I'm the first commenter! YAY mE!