Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The budget situation in Texas

It ain't pretty, folks. And being a state employee, I'm well aware of what's going on. It sucks, to put it plain and simple. But you know what? Educators are creative. And they'll do whatever it takes to keep educating our children - our future. Kinda like this guy:

For those of you out there who are educators and facing the same situation we are, thank you for sticking with it! It's a tough job, and hard to believe that education and health care are the first things to go when there's a budget situation. Personally I'd like to see our legislators - in particular pRick Perry, our governor - take a budget cut, but somehow, I don't think that's going to happen. So we'll continue doing what we're doing, so that one day we'll show them the mistakes they're making.

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