Monday, February 27, 2012

10 years ago...

My life was changed forever 10 years ago today. It was my first date with Jay, and who knew, 10 years later, this is where I would be? We've had our ups and downs (what couple doesn't), but I'm a better person for knowing him and having him in my life. He's opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I think I've done the same for him. He's always stood by my side, no matter what, and that's one of the many things I love about our relationship. He's always had my back, and I've had his.

On our first date he took me to Boondoggles, so that's where we went tonight. However, times have changed. 10 years ago, I ate his pizza crusts and drank A LOT of beer (I think I had eight that night... why I remember that I don't know). He kept saying to me, "I will buy you something to eat. You don't have to eat my pizza crusts." But I couldn't eat that night. I was so nervous. Tonight, however, not a problem... salad, four pieces of pizza, and a couple bites of his steak and potato.  :)

Thank you, honey, for an amazing 10 years. I love you more every day!

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