Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

So the last 48 hours have been a bit of a whirlwind, but we survived. After a little miscommunication (we thought we were supposed to do Christmas Day with Jay's family, but it turns out they had planned for Christmas Eve, the same day that we do Christmas with my parents... awesome), but we made it work, and I think everyone came out unscathed. The good thing is that today, we had absolutely, positively, nothing to do but enjoy the day together, just the two of us. Here are a few pics from yesterday. I hope you all had as great of a Christmas as we did!

Ella in her pretty Christmas dress in front of the tree

Uncle Jay stuck the bow on her forehead and she kept looking up at it. We got a good laugh out of this one!

Me and my adorable niece!

mmmmm.... stuffed pork loin

 My parents outside decorations... yes, that is an 18' tree

My mom thought the purple cauliflower would add nice color to Christmas dinner... and then she added the cheese...

Christmas dinner table


1 comment:

Paula Wustrack said...

Love reading your blog and was catching up on it today. Looks like ya'll had great holidays. Love your decorations. You always do such a great job. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both. Much love, Paula.