Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mullet Mania, Part II

For those of you that need a laugh, enjoy. These are pretty good!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Favorite Super Bowl commercials

What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? Here are a couple of mine.

I can't find the other one that I liked. It was the Kroger commercial with Nolan Ryan. If anyone has a link to it, please send it to me!r

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random thoughts from the last couple of weeks

  • The weather. Seriously, Mother Nature? I'm over the cold. I promise when it's 100 degrees in June, I won't complain that it's too hot. I promise.
  • The weather. It was in the 30s on Friday, and the city of Houston was shut down because of 1/4" of ice. It's amazing how South Texas is not equipped to handle a little freezing rain. Although, to our credit, all of the weathermen said we were supposed to get snow, and that didn't happen. But that's an entirely different blog post altogether. And then our governor, pRick, sent all of our resources to Dallas to handle the weather there for the Super Bowl, so that left South Texas a little screwed.
  • The weather... in Indianapolis (where I am now). It's a high of 12 and a low of -2, not to mention a wind chill of -16. Really? Who's great idea was it to have a conference in Indianapolis in the middle of February? OK, enough about the weather. I think you get my point.
  • Indianapolis, Indiana. I love this place. LOVE it! And it's good to be back, albeit if it is just for a few days in the frigid arctic. I knew the minute I stepped foot on the IU campus that I was meant to be here. And I loved living in Indianapolis. If I didn't live where I live now, I would live here. Yes, despite the frigid arctic weather (there I go again with the weather...).
  • Conferences. I really enjoy attending them. It's always a learning experience and a challenge. This one especially. It's out of my realm of what I do on a daily basis. This conference is really focused more at faculty and administrators and our goal of student success, but what I like is attending the workshops to figure out how I, as a marketing and PR professional, fit in and can make a difference. I just hate being gone away from home for so long. It sucks.
  • Speaking of sucks, losing to Purdue. I hate it. IU lost tonight to Purdue. It's like Ohio State losing to Michigan. It sucks. But at least I got to watch the game. That doesn't happen back home very often.
  • I love a great work out. Enough said.
  • What I don't love is the women who show up at the gym in the hotel who clearly don't work out on a daily or even weekly or monthly basis. They have a full face of makeup, hair done, in their matching track suit with pristine tennis shoes, and they get on the treadmill, stand with legs straddled on either side, turn on the machine, look down to see that its going too fast, and then are confused as to how to make it go slower. Really? Go back to the bar.
  • Coconut M&Ms. I discovered these today. O M G
  • The Dallas airport... a shopper's heaven. Seriously. Who knew?
I guess that's it for now. Have a great week!

Friday, February 4, 2011


This is still really funny to me. A snow day in Houston, Texas. But yes, pretty much the whole city - hell, the whole state of Texas - is shut down today because of "Snowpocolypse." Ha! What that means for me is a three-day weekend, folding laundry, and catching up on work that I wouldn't have been able to get done in the office. So I kinda don't mind it. But it's still funny to me. Snow day.

The city and state just aren't used to this. I'm from the midwest, and went to school there, so I know what a snow day is like. And it ain't this. Turns out we didn't get any snow, but we got the ice. And Seriously, Houston? Are you people that dumb? STAY HOME!!! The whole city is shut down. Schools are closed. Most of the businesses are closed. The county and city are closed. WHY do you need to be out on the roads? It's not worth it! The local media is having a field day with this. People who tried to drive and got stuck on the bridges and overpasses make for good entertainment. I'm not going to even call it news. It's entertainment. Dumb people make for good entertainment. Give it a couple hours, people, and it will warm up enough above freezing to melt and then you can get out.

It's amazing to me how dumb some people are. As one of my employees said to me earlier this week, "God takes care of dumb people." After today, he's got a lot of work to do.

Stay warm. Be careful out there. And don't go out if you don't have to.

Here are some pictures from around the city today.