I called him one day last week (or maybe the week before, I can't remember, but it's not really that important) and he said to me something along the lines of "I can't talk now. The female had baby ducks and they just fell down the drain. Tina and Denise are over here and we're trying to get them out. Denise is going to crawl in the drain and make them come out the other side and I've got a net." First of all, I was really excited to hear that we had baby ducks (''babies!!!"). We have a female and two male ducks (see picture below) that like to hang out in our yard (pretty much only because Jay gives them a tub of water to drink and bathe in, and scratch grain to munch on 24/7), and Jay had speculated that the female was nesting somewhere, so we were hoping for babies. Of course, I tell him to call me back with the outcome.
Tina and Denise are Clear Lake Shores police officers (the finest around, I might add!), and apparently Jay and the neighbors tried to flush water down the drain so that the baby ducks would swim out to the channel where Jay would catch them in the net. It turns out that they did that, but immediately swam right back in when they saw the net. So officer Denise literally crawled in the drain pipe to "usher" them to the other side and to the awaiting net that Jay was holding.
Baby ducks were ok, thanks to some great neighborhood teamwork (that's what we're all about here on the island) and there was an article in our newsletter, "The Islander," complete with a picture of Jay holding the net. He was rather embarrassed about it when the newsletter came today, but I was proud of him!
Check out the August issue of "The Islander" to read the story about "Nice Man Jay."
Way to go Jay, Sergeant Shelley and Officer Denise!
These are the ducks that Jay feeds and takes care of. The neighborhood is now affectionately calling Jay "Papa Duck"